Penserra is proud to see our CEO, George Madrigal, named to the 2020 EMpower Top 100 Ethnic Minority Executive Role Models List. The EMpower list showcases business leaders who are breaking down barriers at work and working hard to smash the ceiling for ethnic minorities in the US, UK, Ireland, Europe, and Canada.
As CEO, George pushes the firm to recruit a more ethnically diverse workforce, a continuing effort that has resulted in Penserra having 50% more diversity than the industry average. And in October 2019, George signed The Hispanic Promise, a pledge for Penserra to hire, promote, retain, and celebrate Hispanic colleagues.
Founded in 2007, Penserra employees at every level are active participants in the communities in which we live and work. Penserra is committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of our organization. The firm has a dedication to the highest levels of professional ethics, inclusion, and respect for diverse backgrounds and opinions.
George invests significant time and energy away from Penserra on causes he strongly believes in. As a first-generation Mexican American coming from a family of migrant farm workers, George has decided to focus on issues impacting Latino communities and education. He is on the Board of Directors of Pangea Legal Services, who work to provide legal resources to wrongfully detained immigrants. He created and chairs a scholarship program that provides funding to high school students entering college. The program focuses academically strong applicants coming from economically disadvantaged households of first to third generation immigrant families. George is a founding member of the NICSA Diversity Council CEO Advisory Board, a finance committee member for Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area, and a finance committee member for the Community Foundation of Mendocino County. His is also an alumnus of the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative. As a speaker and mentor, George shares his journey from son of immigrant parents to a career on Wall Street with students from The Street Smarts, Latinos in Finance, and local colleges.