The Penserra Mindset
The Penserra Mindset
A corporate culture shapes attitudes and behaviors. It defines what is encouraged (sacred), discouraged (taboo), accepted or rejected within a company. From a business perspective, a strong corporate culture can help our firm focus on providing the best level of services to our customers.
Below are the four core precepts of The Penserra Mindset. These beliefs are essential to the way we conduct ourselves in our professional environments and are shared by everyone in the Penserra family.

Ring the Bell.
One of the most important objectives for any organization is to celebrate success. Be proud of what we have accomplished and share it with others. Within the workplace, accomplishments can be anything having to do with growing revenues, improving efficiency, expanding our knowledge base, reducing risk or helping each other. Outside the workplace, it can be how we are giving back to our community and advocating our charitable and philanthropic activities. And in a nod to a long-standing tradition established by our Chicago colleagues, the daily ringing of a bell not only signifies the official opening and closing of trading, but also the potential business and personal successes that come with each new day.

Do Right By Our Customer.
Our customers are why we are in business, and the competition to satisfy and retain them is fierce. We need to do our best to understand our customers and find solutions that address their ever-changing needs. This includes listening to, speaking with, and visiting our customers. There is no other way to build strong, long-lasting relationships. Always find a way to solve their problems.

Treat Colleagues Like Clients.
Penserra would not exist without the contributions of every one of its employees. It’s that simple. Every Penserra employee is tasked with doing important work. The caveat of “Let’s be R.E.A.L. (respect, engage, accept, and listen) signifies that no employee is better than another, and that we should always conduct ourselves with a high level of professionalism, consideration, politeness and decorum.

Make Learning a Habit.
The world is changing quickly, driven mainly by advancements in technology. We all need to keep up by investing in ourselves through learning. Penserra supports that investment and will provide resources to help employees stay current with changes in technologies, markets, and their own personal growth.